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Project Clock Palm
Project Clock Palm is an easy to use project time tracking system for Palm handhelds. Project Clock Palm is a useful software package for consultants, lawyers, engineers or anyone else who must keep track of time billed to different projects.
Project Clock Pro
Project Clock Pro is an easy to use project time recording system. Project Clock is a useful application for consultants, lawyers, engineers or anyone else who must keep track of time billed to different projects.
Project Clock Web
Project Clock Web is an easy to use web based multi-user project time tracking system. Proj Clock is a useful application for consultants, lawyers, engineers or anyone else who must keep track of time billed to different projects.
Project Management Tutor
A freeware to introduce basics of project management. Highlights and explains all the jargons a project manager need to know in order to manage projects successfully. An ideal tool for a novice project manager.
Project Manager
LTC Project Manager Software helps Project Managers by providing a central project details repository, team management, task management, deadline management, dissemenation of tasks to your team; all in one application that is easy to use.
Project Planner PE lite
Project Planner - PE lite lets you manage your projects. It has most features found in the Project planner - PE version. However it lacks the feature to save your files .PPR format which can be read by others.
Project Planner-PE
Project Planner lets you manage your projects and allows your team members to modify their task status online/real time. It also gives you control over the schedule as well as the cost expended on your project along with a risk log.
Project Risk Analysis
Use Monte Carlo Simulation to determine the risk of a project being overspent and the contingency needed to achieve the desired level of confidence.
Project Tracker
PROJECT TRACKER will assist Project Leaders, Consultants or Contractors who need to track work performed, including hours and materials for tasks . Powerful reporting features are also included.
Project Tracker11
Project estimation, costing tool for tracking job costs,employee time, suppliers, estimates proposals.
Если афоризм нуждается в пояснениях, значит он неудачен. Л. Вовенарг
Шел мужик в город. Вдруг из-под моста выбежал бандит с пистолетом и отобрал у него деньги. -- Послушай,-- говорит мужик бандиту.-- Ты свое дело сделал. Но пожалей меня. Прострели мне пиджак, чтобы жена поверила, что меня ограбили, а то подумает, что пропил. Знаешь, какие жены! Тот прострелил. -- Теперь еще сюда пальни разок,-- подставляет мужик ру- кав пиджака. -- Чего ж, можно и сюда. -- Теперь сюда,-- подставляет мужик шапку. -- Не могу, патроны кончились. -- Тогда пойдем в милицию,-- и мужик схватил грабителя за воротник.
Лучший способ избавиться от искушения - это поддаться ему...