Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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PostIt Notes

With PostIt Notes, you can create colorful sticky note on your desktop or send these notes instantly over the Internet. You can even customize each note, include texture, color and size, set alarm time, lock or hide them.

Power Card Maker

The best tool to make Labels and Business card. huge graph and picture storehouse, strong graph and picture process ability which PhotoShop compares favourably

Power Clock

The ultimate employee time clock. Easy to use, looks like a traditional mechanical time clock. Easy Email. Job, Phase, Production tracking. Automatic lunch deduct. Clock in using secure card. Multi-site file sync. Client-server network mode.

Power Notes

The program Power Notes is a multi-featured scheduler, reminder, and organizer for Windows allowing you to create electronic stickers and display them when the time is due. The program is very easy to use and has low system requirements.

Power Notes Lite

The program Power Notes Lite is a multi-featured scheduler, reminder, and organizer for Windows allowing you to create electronic stickers and display them when the time is due. The program is very easy to use and has low system requirements.

Power Phone Book Enterprise Edition

Power Phone Book presents new generation of organizers. It alongside with standard for modern organizers by possibilities, in addition allows the owner, at desire, adjust the access to data through Intranet, from any point of world.

Power Phone Book Personal Edition

Power Phone Book presents new generation of organizers. It alongside with standard for modern organizers by possibilities, in addition allows the owner, at desire, adjust the access to data through Internet, from any point of world.


Web statistics software download source code ASP mySQL, Real Time traffic analysis tool and visitor behavior. web statistics and site traffic measures are displayed in comprehensive graphs. Multiple user policy and unlimited domains to track.


PowerPointRecovery software fixes corrupted Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. PowerPointRecovery 2.0 features Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 support. Recovers text, graphics, images. Available for all modern platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME.


A tool to keep track of all the steps in servicing a client, from contact information to loan qualification to the closing date and home inspection.

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Чтобы сделать карьеру, следует одеваться во все серое, держаться в тени и не проявлять инициативы.
Ш. Талейран


На вокзале висят часы. Подходит Шотландец, достает из
кармана карандаш, записную книжку и записывает время.
-- Зачем? -- удивляется любопытный пассажир.
-- Да у меня нет часов, а меня все время спрашивают, ко-
торый час.


Надпись под стоп-краном в поезде метро:Если ехать стало лень,дерни эту поебень.

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